Digiware encourages students to consider how smart technology and the Internet of Things is used in their education. The project, run by the University of Sheffield, aims to provide schools with resources and information that inspire young people and encourages them to discuss the issues.
Digital technologies, and their presence in our everyday life is increasing at a rapid rate. Schools are looking to harness the benefits of these technologies and as they do the school environment is changing.
Digital technologies collect and share data about people and the world around them. In some schools this is being used to automatically record attendance and monitor behaviour, create smart lesson plans, and connect families to schools and increase safety for students and staff.
Young people have told us that after the workshops their knowledge of IoT has increased. They feel more part of the school community and they liked that the school cared about what they had to say.
Digiware is a collaboration between academics, researchers and creatives. Each brings a particular set of skills to the project. Discover who is behind the Digiware Project by clicking below.
Resources for Schools
Here you will find a link to a range of resources that have been co-created with young people and teachers. They include downloads like instructional animations, powerpoint slides with instructions, worksheets and tools. These are free to access and can be used in lessons, assemblies or themed tutor group sessions to structure education linked to PSHE curriculum on online and internet safety, digital rights and resilience and growth.